National Association of Professional Process Servers


It's been awhile and I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday.  Now it is time to get back to work.  With that being said the next meeting of the NAPPS Board of Directors is February 17, 2018 at Rosen Shingle Creek, 9939 Universal, Orlando, FL.  All are welcome to attend and every member's input is appreciated and important.  If you plan on attending kindly give the NAPPS administrative office a heads up so that all can be accommodated.  

April 19-21, 2018, the NAPPS Annual Conference is being held in beautiful San Diego, CA.  The venue is the Catamaran Resort Hotel, 3999 Mission Blvd. San Diego, CA.  Call 800-422-8386 for reservations and mention you are with the NAPPS Annual Conference to ensure that you receive our negotiated room rate of $189.00 per night.  Please consult your Docket Sheet or the NAPPS website for more details. Don't forget if you are in attendance at the NAPPS Annual Conference you can renew your dues and receive a $50 discount.  Also at that time you can make a voluntary donation to the NAPPS legislative fund.  Just mention this at the conference registration desk and they will take care of that.  Also, if you'd like to get an excellent deal on a new membership, bring along a colleague or a co-worker and they will receive a 50% discount on their first year's dues (pending screening). If that isn't enough, the P&G Committee will have surveys available again for anyone to fill out.  We really appreciate your feedback after all, how do we know how we are doing if you do not tell us, right?!  For your trouble, drop your business card in the bag for a chance to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card that will be drawn at the banquet on Saturday Night.  

A big thanks to committee members, Tom Denton-IL, Paula Ashcraft-OH, Jessica Jester-TX and Cliff Jacobs-CA for all their hard work. I appreciate all comments and suggestions.  I can be reached at or 815-726-1830.


Tammy Runchey, Promotion and Growth Committee