End of the Year
This has been an incredibly busy year for all of us that serve on the board and committees of NAPPS. The P&G Committee is continuing its participation with all committees on a marketing plan that will most effectively promote all that NAPPS provides its members and the legal community our members serve. Our NAPPS administration along with board members continue to attend State Conference meetings as well as legal industry conferences and are geared up to attend several in the coming months. To further establish a relationship between NAPPS and a legal industry association, the National Relations Committee will be attending NALA, NALS and NFPA in hopes of fostering those relationships. If anyone is interested in helping in this effort, please contact the Committee Co-Chairs; Fred Blum or Sue Collins.
A member survey went out to all members via ConstantContact. Please respond so that we can help you get the most out of your NAPPS membership. It would be greatly appreciated.
As I am getting ready to head to New Orleans, I cannot wait to see what the next year brings for NAPPS. There are a lot of challenges before us and some just around the corner and luckily the leaders, both past and present, are proactive and stay ahead of what's going on in this industry. Take the time to familiarize yourself with what is going on, thank those that continually watch our backs and better yet, volunteer your time to be a part of the solution. Can't wait to see you in NOLA!
Thanks again for a great year!
Tammy Matesevac Runchey, Promotion and Growth Chair